Give em a piece of you mind and a way to find you!
I know I keep harping on inbound links but they are crucial to page rank. Page rank not only insures a site show up high on ”Divorce Lawyer New York City” but all of those other random searches you see on reports, what is called the long tail search.
A great way to get quality inbound links is to comment on blog and articles. When looking for news, use a search engine. Find a news source or blog where you can comment on the news. Most have them. When you find something of interest, click the comment button (like the one you see below) and leave a comment. When you sign it, leave your web address. I put in an example under this post.
The higher the rank of the blog or news site you are commenting on, the more valuable. So look to the bygones first. Even one you are a regular reader of and become a regular commenter. Not only will it help your site, there is a chance a reader might become a client!
Labels: commenting on blogs, Inbound Links, New York Legal Marketing, Page Rank, Visibility