Finding a professional: My experience
I work out and eat well and do not like doctors. I have had a lot of bad experiences. Not necessarily because of bad MD s but because of situations. Regardless the situations linger in my subconscious so I am finicky about going to a doctor.
Today I decided I wanted to find a primary care physician and started researching. My insurance company had recommendations. Friends gave me referrals. I still went to WebMD and did a Google search. Even when I found a couple of candidates I researched them further on the internet. The few doctors that did have websites became my short list of possibilities. In the end I chose a doctor that had some good background information, a narrative AND a picture. This was not a conscious decision nor really had to do anything with my professional background. I asked myself “Self, Why did you do this?”
I realized that once I entered the office I was going to be committed. It is difficult to change doctors, especially if something is wrong. There is more research, transferring files, developing a new relationship, etc. If this was the wrong doctor it is a process to change.
Also I wanted to limit my surprises. Due to the confidential nature, I wanted to make things run as smoothly as possible. I wanted to know ahead of time where this person was coming from that was going to be asking me tough, invasive questions. I wanted to know what the doctor would look like that I was going let see me at my most vulnerable.
Why do I discuss this? You know attorney client privilege is a parallel to doctor patient disclosure if not even more personal. Now realize that I work helping portray attorneys in their best light everyday and still was wooed by all of the factors I use to gain my clients new business. If it’s that powerful to me, how powerful is it to someone that is a basic user of the internet?
I have already decided I like this doctor. The “feeling out” period is shorter. The chances of me finding alternatives less and bringing new patients higher. This is why I stress a working hard to be found. This is why I tell you it is necessary to write a narrative, put up photographs and be personal.
I originally found the doctor through my Insurance Website, but did the research on Google. If asked where I found her, I would say that. Most would not. This is why I say ask pointed questions. Get your message out there. If you do not, the attorney that does will be the one getting the new clients.
Labels: Attorney Websites, Ian Garlic, Pointed Question, Visibility