Garden City NY Based Construction and Business Law Firm Launches New Site!
Congratulations to the Firm of La Reddola, Lester and Associates on their new site. While they have known each other for years, Robert La Reddola and Steven Lester realized the synergistic value of their talents along with mutual sentiment Hence, they formed the construction law and commercial litigation focused firm and opened shop in Garden City. Their new site displays their virtues and personality as a firm which is also reflected in their defense of Long Island construction firm, North Star, against a new immigration law.
““This law is arbitrary and unfair and maybe unconstitutional,” Mr. LaReddola said. “They’re putting the fear of God into these men.””
Go to the New York Times for the entire article, but first check out their new site at WWW.LLALAWFIRM.COM.
Labels: Attorney Marketing, Business Attorneys, Construction lawyers